26.01.1917 feldpost card from IV. Battalion 53.IR of K.u.K common army to Bjelovar via Fp85. Regiment recruited around Zagreb area. Fp.85 was used by 7.Gebirgs brigade, IV. battalion was displaced from Regiment and fought on Italian front.
Bojna pošta hrvatskih vojnika u prvom i drugom svjetskom ratu je gotovo posve neobrađena tema.Nažalost i danas je na marginama filatelističkih zbivanja. U blogu ću objaviti svoje tekstove i popise bojnih pošta iz oba rata. Slobodno možete koristiti materijale i slike sa bloga, ali ako ih objavite navedite izvor-ovaj blog. ENG: This blog is about fieldpost of Croatian soldiers in WWI and WWII.Feel free to use data and pics from this site, but if you publish them name their source,this blog
26.01.1917 feldpost card from IV. Battalion 53.IR of K.u.K common army to Bjelovar via Fp85. Regiment recruited around Zagreb area. Fp.85 was used by 7.Gebirgs brigade, IV. battalion was displaced from Regiment and fought on Italian front.
In 1941 in Sarajevo was formed 5.anti-aircraft group , while 3.anti-aircraft group was formed later, in 1943 in Brod N/S. Writer probably made a mistake by writing 3.anti-aircraft group. Each anti-aircraft group consisted of three heavy and one light battery.