Saturday, 8 March 2025

2.1917 - K.u.K 72. Infanterie Brigade to Zagreb, Croatia.

20.02.1917 KuK feldpost card mailed from 72. Infanterie Brigade via Fp.634 to Zagreb. Fp.634 replaced Fp.44 on 06.02.1917 as feldpost of 36.Infantry division. 72.Inf.Brigade was part of 36.Inf.division during the whole war. While division was mostly Croatian, Brigade  made up of Croatian  53.Inf.Regiment(Zagreb) and 16.Inf.Regiment (Varaždin) and was almost purely Croatian unit. In 02.1917 division was on the Russian front in Galicia. Card has purple 72. Inf.Brigade cancel and  Fp.634 cancel but has no visible censorship. Text is short greeting in Croatian language.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

1.1943 letter to Zagreb from 369.kroat.inf.div. mailed via 7.SS Prinz Eugen division


21.01.1943 letter mailed to Zagreb via Fp.47444 - 2. Sanitats Kompanie SS Freiwilligen Gebirgs Division Prinz Eugen (7.SS). Sender writes his Fp.number as Fp.13549 E used by 12.Kompanie Grenadier-Regiment 369 of 369.(kroatische) Infanterie Division.

Text in Croatian is very interesting. Soldier writes  "thanks to the Lord i didn't go to Russia, but Im in village Letovanić 50 km from Zagreb.. here we are training and going to the forests to hunt  Partisans , we caught just a few of them... I command a mortar crew of 6 men...". 

This letter is from the beginning of operation White - fall Weiß 1, both 369.kroat.inf.div and 7.SS division were stationed in and near Banovina area at the start of operation, hence this soldier from 369.inf.div used nearby 7.SS divisions feldpost to send mail.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

7.1944 Card from Osijek to 4.lovačka pukovnija (4.jager regiment)

 11.07.1944 card from Osijek to 15.stožerna sat 4.lovačke pukovnije(15.headquarters company of 4.jager regiment) in Derventa. 4.lovačka pukovnija was part od 1.lovački zdrug(1.jager brigade) of Domobranstvo. In mid 1944  4.lovacka pukovnija was stationed around Derventa . During  27-29. June 1944, 4.lovačka pukovnija repulsed Partisan attack on Derventa while fighting against a much larger enemy force. Ironically on 8. and 9. September 1944 large part of 1.jager brigade surrendered to communist forces.  Around 800 men remained in the brigade but Army HQ decided to disband 1.jager brigade on the 18.October 1944.  Soldiers were transferred to 3.lovački zdrug (3.jager brigade).

Friday, 14 February 2025

6.1916 K.u.K Marinefeldpost from Durz to Bakar in Croatian Littoral


16.06.1916 K.u.K Marinefeldpost card, mailed from Durz(alb.Durres, cro.Drač) in Albania to Bakar in Hrvatsko primorje(Croatian Littoral). Albanian postcard was used, it was mailed from civilian cargo ship S.S Rakoczy via S.M.S Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf - ships cancel was applied, then card was transferred to local post office Zelenika in bay of Kotor where postal cancel 20.VI.16  was applied. Text is in Croatian , just a short greetings message. 

S.S Rakoczy was Passenger Cargo Ship built in Tyne Iron Shipyard in England. Ship was completed in 11/1892 for Royal Hungarian Sea Navigation Co Adria Ltd, Fiume(Rijeka).  Ship was running supplies for KuK army in Durz when postcard was mailed.

S.M.S Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf was old battleship that served as local defence ship in bay of Kotor since 1906 and spent the war stationed there.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

09.1943 Kroatische Ausbildungs Brigade to Domobran school in Varaždin


18.09.1943 letter with contents mailed from Fp.56478 B -  1st. Battalion Kroatische Ausbildungs Brigade to 1.prva bitnica topničkog sklopa Domobranska Središnja Škola (1.section of artillery battery of  Central Army School) in Varaždin, Croatia. School trained reserve army officers. Feldpost cancel 18.09.1943 at was used in Stockerau Austria. German censorship, content was marked by the same green censor cancel bearing numbers as was the cover. Text is in Croatian, sender unusually for the war time describes a day boat trip on Danube on which cadets were sent.

Saturday, 1 February 2025


 Organisation of Einsatzstaffel der Deutschen Mannschaft (E der DM)  is reviewed elsewhere on this blog, but some new findings came to my attention. I have read on the internet that there were independent companies in E der DM but I have never seen official document or mail from those companies until recently.

There were 3 independent companies named after their commanding officers 

Kompanie ZIKMUND, commander Leopold Zikmund

Kompanie MAY, commander Josef May

Kompanie BRASCHEL, commander Adam Braschel, 

Adam Braschel was commander of 2nd company in Verfugungsbataillon 'Prinz Eugen' (active battalion Pr.Eugen) , it is probable that name 'kompanie BRASCHEL' refers to this company when it was displaced from it's core battalion.

Mail from E Der DM is very rare.

30.01.1943 cut out from parcel card mailed from Gorjani to a member of Verfugungsbataillon 'Prinz Eugen , at the back nice clear units cancel.

1942. cover from Beška to Heinrich Evinger serving with kompanie BRASCHEL in Bosanska Gradiška. This is the first letter I have ever seen mailed to an independent company in Der DM.

1942. another letter mailed from Petrovaradin to Heinrich Ewinger serving with 2.kompanie Einsatzstaffel in Osijek, arrival cancel Osijek 22.05.1942.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

K.U.K hand painted cards to Esseg-Osijek in Croatia


Two beautiful hand painted cards mailed by prof. Antonin Kamenik to Esseg(Osijek) in Slavonia, Croatia. Antonin Kamenik(1886-1959) was Czech school teacher, painter, graphic artist and illustrator. First card was mailed in 1914 at the beginning of the war from Telč in Morava. Second card was mailed from Iglau-Jihlava in Morava from K.u.K Reservespital in Iglau(Army reserve hospital in Jihlava) at the time Kamenik was Fähnrich(Fhn.) or ensign in K.u.K army, as he noted in his address.

Friday, 17 January 2025

05.1944 -card to popunidbeno zapovjedništvo Bjelovar

 06.05.1944 postal card mailed from Zagreb to Zdenko Dobrinić, satnik(Captain) in popunidbeno zapovjedništvo Bjelovar (Replenishment(conscription) command in Bjelovar).The Bjelovar Replenishment Command was established on 13 April 1941. Until 5 May 1941, it was part of the Osijek Divisional Area, when according to the order of the Domobran Army Headquarters, it was subordinated to the Sava Divisional Area. With the reorganization of the military territorial division of the NDH, on 15 October 1941  it was subordinated to the 1.Domobran Military District in Petrinja, that relocated at the end of 1942 to Zagreb.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

1944 - Italians in Wehrmacht feldpost to Istria, Croatia

When Italy surrendered in 9.1943 Croatia took back control over most of Dalmatia and sought to incorporate central and eastern Istria with Croatian majority to Croatia but Istria was left under Italian control of new fascist republic "Republica Socialista Italiana"(RSI) better known as Republic of Salo. To support its claim Croatia formed new Istria Domobran regiment. In January 1945 Germans agreed to transfer Istria to Croatian control, but this never happened as Croatia was battling Communist rebellion and invasion from the east. In autumn 1943 Germans imposed military control in Istria by forming Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland (OZAK), civil control remained Italian under RSI. Italians lived mostly on the western coast of Istria where they were in majority and they served in RSI military units while some joined Wehrmacht. Below follow 3 feldpost letters mailed home from Italians in Wehrmacht to a places in western Istria. I found such mail to be quite rare.

 15.11.1944 letter from Wehrmacht, Fp.number badly visible, possibly Fp.81874 B(?)-Italianische Bau Batallion 33  to Umago, Pola  today Umag in Istria, Croatia.  German censor cancels in red.

24.02.1944 letter from Wehrmacht, Fp.39626 - 2. Italienisches Nebel Bataillon(Marine) - to Fasana d'Istria near Pola today Fažana, Croatia. German censor cancels in red. Arrival cancel Fasana d Istria Pola 3.3.1944. 
Italian 'Nebel' units were obcure military units armed with fog/smoke producing equipment. This fog was used to camouflage navy or army units from air raids. 2.Nebel Battalion was formed in Italy in 1942, later stationed in Reich on the Baltic sea, in Gotenhafen with outposts in Pillau and Memel.

23.01.1944 letter from Wehrmacht, Fp.24808 T  - to Valle d'Istria, Pola today Bale, Croatia. Bale is on the road from Rovinj to Pula. Fp.24808 was Sammelfeldpostnummer such a feldpost number was used by a various units in an area, usually a letter in the end denoted certain unit in the area. Fp 24808 was used in Orleans area in France and Fp.24808 T was used by Italienische Stellungsbau Pionier Kompanie 13.
German censor cancels in red.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

9.1942 Panzerjäger Komp. Kroat.Inf.Ersatz Rgt.369. to Zagreb


25.09.1942 Feldpost letter from Fp.41700 M  used by Panzerjäger Kompanie,  Kroat.Infanterie Ersatz Regiment 369. in Stockerau, mailed to Zagreb, Croatia. German censorship. Ersatz Regiment 369 trained replacements for 369.Croatian Infantry Regiment fighting in Stalingrad at that time.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

7.1916 KuK card from 96.Inf.Rgt. to Breznički Hum, Croatia


07.07.1916 K.u.K feldpost card from IV.battalion of  96.Infantry Regiment mailed via Fp.92. Fp.92 was used by 15.Infantry division then fighting in Galicia (Russian front). 96. IR was mainly manned by Croats from wider Karlovac area. This card was mailed to Zagorska sela then re-routed to Breznički Hum near Novi Marof in Varaždin area. Arrival cancel is at the back. No visible sign of censorship in the unit, but card was censored in Varaždin and marked by purple cancel. Text is in Croatian. This is the first card i have seen from 96.IR that was mailed from 15.inf.div via Fp.92.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

10.1941 - Zagreb to 2. Zračna luka, Auto odred, Rajlovac


09.10.1941 letter from Zagreb to a member of 2. Zračna luka , Auto odred, Rajlovac (2. Air field, Motorised detachment, Rajlovac(near Sarajevo). Rajlovac was the most important airfield of Croatian air force in the whole country , it was used to attack communist and serbian insurgents in Bosnia. Airfield was almost exclusively used by Croatian air force , Luftwaffe used Butmir airfield near Sarajevo. Text is interesting sender writes that he is also going to serve in Air force,  as a pilot. 

Saturday, 14 December 2024

02.1944 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien to Zagreb.


03.02.1944 Fp.56160 E/F to Zagreb , Croatia. Text in Croatian, SS censorship.

Norbert Kannapin in Die Deutsche Feldpost 1939-1945, list for  Fp.56160 following:

56160 (Unknown-Unknown) Stab u. 1.-3. u. 6. Panzer- Kompanie Polizei-Ausbildungs-Bataillon I (Esseg)

56160 (27.9.1943-7.5.1944) 2.11.1943 Stab u. Einheit Polizei-Ausbildungs-Bataillon I (Essgeg)

I assumed that letters after the number meant A - Stab, B-1.komp. C-2.komp. D-3.komp.  E- 6. Panzer- Kompanie, here we have F.  I have another letter from same sender mailed and marked Fp.56160 F, and in both letters sender writes his adress Gesch(utz) Bat(terie). 

German-Croatian Police had units  2 artillery units, first one with unknown Fp.number

Fp.??? 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien.

Fp.58954 (8.9.1943) 2. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien.

This letter proves that 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien used Fp.56160 E/F