Sunday 26 June 2022

1917 .K.u.K 53.IR toBjelovar


26.01.1917 feldpost card from IV. Battalion 53.IR  of K.u.K common army to Bjelovar via Fp85. Regiment recruited around Zagreb area. Fp.85 was used by 7.Gebirgs brigade, IV. battalion was displaced from Regiment and fought on Italian front.

Sunday 12 June 2022

6.1943 Reserve Infanterie Battailon II/135 to Wien,

6.1943 official registered letter from Fp.41364A : Stab Reserve Infanterie Battailon II/135 to Wien, posted via Felpostamt 530 Kenn-176 located in Zagreb. Battalion was transfered to Zagreb in November 1942 as part of 187.Reserve division. When 187.divison was transformed in 42.Jager division the Battalion bacome part of 25.Jager regiment

Sunday 5 June 2022

7.1942 parcel card to Sarajevo

 31.07.1942 parcel card from Jajce to a Domobran in Sarajevo serving with 3.light battery of 3.anti-aircraft group(p/z skupina = flak abteilung). 

In 1941 in Sarajevo was formed  5.anti-aircraft group , while 3.anti-aircraft group was formed later, in 1943 in Brod N/S. Writer  probably made a  mistake by writing  3.anti-aircraft group.  Each anti-aircraft group consisted of  three heavy and one light battery.