Sunday 25 July 2021

4.1917 K.u.K, Peterwardein 70.IR to Zemun

 14.04.1917 feldpost card from K.u.K Peterwardein Inf.Rgt 70 to Zemun, Srijem , Croatia. Text in Croatian language. Sent from, 70.IR via Fp.632 which served 32.Infantry division stationed in Galicia(Russian front).

Friday 16 July 2021

7.1944 Fp.30710 - Hafenkommandant Dubrovnik to Reich.

 07.07.1944 letter from Fp.30710B - Hafenkommandant Dubrovnik to Bechhofen in  Bayern, German Reich. Interesting cancel Fp.30710 ,such double circle official(Dienststelle) cancels are rarely seen on feldpost mailed from Croatia. Sender note his location as Ragusa, italian and latin name of Dubrovnik.

Sunday 11 July 2021

12.1916 K.u.k card FHR-7 to Vinkovci

 16.12.1916 K.u.k feldpost card from Feldhaubitzregiment No.7 mailed via Fp.111 (7.Inf.Div) to Vinkovci in Slavonia, Croatia. Arrival cancel Vinkovci 21.12.1916.

Monday 5 July 2021

7.1942 letter to 1.Opkoparska bojna


17.07.1942 letter fom Oborovo to a Domobran, member of 3.sat 1.Opkoparska bojna (, 1.pionire battalion) stationed in Hrvatska Dubica