70. Peterwardein Infanterie Regimente - K.u.K
70.Peterwardein Inf.Rgt.Edler von Appel was Croatian unit in common K.u.K army . Recruting area was primarly in Srijem(Syrmia). Croats were second most populous nation in Srijem , being majority in western part and minority in eastern part. In eastern part of Srijem Petrovaradin(Peterwardein) city had Croatian majority as did several smaller places.
During entire war unit was part of 63.Inf.Brigade which in turn was the whole war part of 32.Inf.Division. Only in July of 1917 regiment and brigade were removed from 32.ID. and served with German group Wilhelmi under command of 197.german division, latter returning to 32. Inf.division.
Regiment had 4 battalions in 8.1914, battalions I. III. and IV. were with 70.IR, battalion II was separated from regiment and had different battle path and used different feldpost.
70.IR war fought from 8.1914 in Serbia, went in early 9.1914-to Russian battlefield (Galicia,Bukowina) stayed there utill, 2.1918 when it goes to Italian battlefield. At the end of war 10-11.1918 Regiment is transfered to Balkan battlefield
My list of Fp.numbers used by 70.lR follows:
1914. Fp.105(32.ID)
1915. Fp.105(32.ID)
1917. Fp.105(32.ID) 06.02.1917 was replaced by Fp.632(32.ID) ,
1914. Fp.105(32.ID)
1915. Fp.105(32.ID)
1917. Fp.105(32.ID) 06.02.1917 was replaced by Fp.632(32.ID) ,
1918. Fp.632(32.ID)
It is possible that soldiers used german feldpost in summer 1917 when unit served with 197 german division, but i haven't seen such mail.
Other Feldpost numbers on mail are possible , as constant movement of batalions and companies from from all regiments to other units was common.
II. Batallion of 70.IR was from 1914 to 1918 part of 2.Gebirgs(mountain)brigade. In early or mid 1918 in reorganisation of army, II./70 was moved to 78.IR.
Gebirgs brigades in Austro-Hungarian army had own Feldpost offices with Feldpost number.
Feldpost numbers used by II/70.Inf.Rgt.
1914. Fp.46(2.Gebirg.Brig)
1915. Fp.46(2.Gebirg.Brig)
1916. Fp.46(2.Gebirg.Brig)
1917. Fp.46(2.Gebirg.Brig) from 3.1917 replaced by Fp.637 (2.Gebirg.Big)
2.Gebirgsbrigade served 8/14-4/15-Serbia, 5-9/15-Italy , 9-11/15-Serbia, 12/15-1/16-Montenegro, 1-3/16-Albania 3-9/16-Italy , 9/16-3/17-Romania, 3/17-4/18-Italy.
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Beautiful card made for 70.Peterwardein regiment pointing to Croatian nature of regiment .On the left side is black and yellow Habsburg monarchy flag on the right Croatian tricolour flag red,white and blue. Among coats of arms presented is Croatian chessboard coat of arms(Šahovnica)
Text at the bottom is in Croatian: Sve za kralja i za dom - "All for king and country" (lit.Everything for king and home)
Što bog dade i sreća junačka - "By the grace of God and a stroke of luck." (lit. What God gives and luck of heroes.) Latter was motto of Ban Jelačić (1801-59) important Croatian Statesman and military leader who was born in Petrovaradin(Peterwardein).
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2.1915 card from 70.IR -12.company Fp.105 to Prague ,Czech , to war hospital written in Croatian language |
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12.1916 card from Command of 70.IR Fp.105 to Zagreb, Croatia |
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4.1918 card from 14.company 70.IR. Fp.632 to Ivanić-Grad, Croatia |