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Saturday, 30 December 2023
2.1918 Kuk 79.Inf.Regiment to Fiume
18.02.1918 Kuk 79. Otočaner Infantry Regiment "graf Jellacic" Fp.628 used by 48.Inf.division in Italy. Mailed to Fiume/Rijeka in Croatia. Unusual big units cancel in red.
Saturday, 23 December 2023
9.1943. 10.SS Panzergrenadier division to Zagreb, Croatia
16.09.1943 SS-feldpost. Letter from Fp.27480 E - 4.Batterie, 10.SS Flak Abteilung, 10.SS Panzergrenadier division to Zagreb, Croatia. Arrival cancel 04.10.1943 Zagreb on the back cover. Units cancel, feldpost cancel and AS-censors cancel are on the front of the cover. At that time 10.SS division was in formation and training in southern France, in area north of Marseille. Sender is Croatian Volksdeutsche man using German name Hans Uhl on the cover while using his and german and croatian name in the letter; Hans-Zvonko. Content is usual lover letter to a girlfriend, he mentiones another man from Zagreb also serving with the unit.Text is Croatian.
Saturday, 16 December 2023
6.1943 Sarajevo to 12.pješačka pukovnija(12.infantry regiment)
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17.06.1943 registered letter from Sarajevo to Bosanski Novi , adressed to colonel Miroslav Schlacher commander of 12.pješačka pukovnija(12.infantry regiment). Postage paid , arrival cancel Bos.Novi 19.06.1943
Schlacher latter in war become commander of Brzi Zdrug(Mobile Brigade). In September 1945 he was executed by Communist butchers with other Croatian patriots, after a mock trial of Croatian officers in Belgrade.
Sunday, 10 December 2023
12.1915 K.u.k mail from hospital in Zagreb to hospital in Zemun
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02.12.1915 K.u.k feldpost card from hospital in Zagreb(Bolnica Milosrdne braće/ Bramherzigen Bruder Spital) to hospital in Zemun(Bolnica Crvrnog Križa/Red cross hospital). Dated in text which is in Croatian. Hospital cancel applied in red, censor cancel Zensuriert 6 from Zagreb censors is also present. Red cancel has Militarpflege written meaning Military care (care for wounded), such mail was treated as feldpost and no there was no charge for it.
Monday, 4 December 2023
6.1943 - Deutsches Abnahmekommando bei Firma “Croatia” Agram to Reich
03.06.1943 official registered feldpost from Fp.25698 - Deutsches Abnahmekommando (N) bei Firma “Croatia” Agram to Wien in Reich. This is the first letter i have ever seen from this Fp.number. Mailed via Fp.amt 530 based in Zagreb with Kenn number 176.
Sunday, 26 November 2023
5.1942 Zagreb to Narodna zaštita in Sarajevo
27.05.1942 card from Zagreb to Sarajevo. Adressed to Kapetanu bojnog broda(linienschiffskapitän) Frederik(Miroslav)Gogala commander of 3.province of Narodna Zaštita(Civil protection). He was naval air pilot in Austro-hungarian navy during WWI, later served as Kingdom of SHS navy pilot, and was the first pilot that flew along entire eastern coast of Adriatic.
Saturday, 18 November 2023
8.1915 LIR 37.Gravosa to Brod na Savi
12.08.1915 Kuk Felpost card from LIR 37. Gravosa to Brod na Savi(Slavonski Brod today), Slavonija. Mailed via Fp.55 used by 4.Gebirgsbrigade, that was part of 58.Inf.division. It was rare for men from Slavonija to serve with Mountain brigade, in regiment based in Dalmatia(Gavosa or Gruž is suburb of Dubrovnik). Text is in Croatian language.
Saturday, 11 November 2023
04.1943 Wehrmacht Wirtschafts Sicherungs Bataillon Kroatien to Kiel in Reich
04.04.1943 Official registered letter to Kiel in Reich from Fp.30420 B - 1.komp. Wehrmacht Wirtschafts Sicherungs Bataillon Kroatien. Mailed via Feldpostamt 530 in Zagreb with Kenn number 176 . Arrival cancel Kiel is on the back of the cover, as well as straight cancel Dienststelle Fp.30420 B
Sunday, 5 November 2023
12.1944 - XIV.Ustaški stajaći zdrug to Zagreb
Sunday, 29 October 2023
5.1915 - K.u.K 79.Inf.regiment to Zagreb
13.05.1915 Kuk feldpost card from 79.Otocaner inf.regiment 'Graf Jellacic' to Zagreb. Sent via Fp.111 used by 7.Infantry division fighting in Galicia.
Saturday, 21 October 2023
12.1943 Feldkommandantur 1037 in Split to Wien in Dt.Reich
10.12.1943 letter from Fp.57279 Feldkommandantur 1037 stationed in Split Croatia to Wien, today in Austria. Feldkommandatur 1037 was formed in Lübeck in Military District X on August 23, 1943. The unit was then placed under the command of the Plenipotentiary General in Croatia(Bevollmächtigten General in Kroatien). Its HQ was in Split with field commands(Platz-Kommandanturen) in Zadar and Šibenik.
Sunday, 15 October 2023
3.1943 Brckovljani to 15.pješačka pukovnija in Zavidovići
16.03.1943 parcel card for a parcel mailed from Brckovljani to a member of 5.sat.2.bojna 15. pješačka pukovnija ( 2.batallion 15.infantry regiment) stationed in Zavidovići. Content of parcel was food. 15.pješacka pukovnija was in 1943 stationed in central Bosnia. Units cancel in purple. stamp has typical error red line on the stamps left.
Monday, 9 October 2023
6.1918 Kuk card from the Middle east(Ottoman empire) to Varazdin, Croatia
05.06.1918 KuK feldpost from the Ottoman empire mailed to Varaždin, Croatia. Text is in Croatian, written by Lt.Franz Magdić serving with kuk 24cm mörser batterie. Units cancel is applied in red. Mailed via Fp.451, while sender notes his Fp.452, both postal offices served kuk forces in the middle east.
Sunday, 1 October 2023
08.1943 Gendarmerie Hauptmannschaft Varazdin to Reich
Sunday, 24 September 2023
6.1942 Letter Krapinske Toplice to 3.Gorska pješačka pukovnija
13.06.1942 Registered letter from Krapinske Toplice to 3.Gorska pješačka pukovnija in Banja Luka. Total 12kuna was charged for the letter, arrival cancel Banja Luka at the back is from 14.06.1942.
3.Gorska pješačka pukovnija (3.mountain infantry regiment) was part of 3.Gorski Zdrug , this letter is from period of Zdrug formation
Sunday, 17 September 2023
01.1916. K.uK. 36.Inf.div to Osijek
09.01.1916 K.u.K feldpost from member of 36.Inf.Division command Feldpost 44 as noted by writter to Osijek, Slavonia, Croatia. Mailed via Fp.132 used by XIII.Korps command, cancel 3/13. Korpstraingruppe. 36.Inf.div was part of XIII.korps, both division and korps were mostly Croatian.
Monday, 11 September 2023
8.1943 - Sriemski Zdrug to 187.Res.Division
??.08.1943 letter from Sriemski Zdrug to Zapovjedništvu(Command of) 187.Rez.divizije. Rare mail from Croatian unit to Wehrmacht unit. Mailed from Hrvatska Mitrovica to Zagreb. Franked with 3kn official stamp and 0,50kn regular stamp, arrival cancel Zagreb 25.08.1943. Cover is written all over in red pencil , text on the front of the cover routes cover to Ministarstvo Oružanih Snaga Nova Ves Zagreb, on the back red pencil routes cover also to Ministarstvo Or. Snaga, 6.odjel located in Kazališni trg Zagreb. Small patch glued on the front reads 187.Res.Div Kazališni trg and was probably final destination.
This is the first cover from Sriemski Zdrug i have ever seen, extra rare!
Sunday, 3 September 2023
5.1915 K.u.K card from IR.No.16 to Bjelovar
02.05.1915 feldpost card from Common army Warazdin Infantry Rgt.No.16 to a lieutenant recovering in Hospital in Bjelovar, Croatia. IR.No.16 was part of the 36.Inf.div and used its Fp.number 44. as noted by sender . This card was mailed via Fp.351 used by Army Group Pflanzer-Baltin ( 36ID was part of XIII corps which was part of A.Group.Pflanzer-Baltin).
Sunday, 27 August 2023
10.1942 Dubrovnik to 369.Kroat.Inf.Division
20.10.1942 Card from Dubrovnik to Fp.32040 B , used by 7.Batterie Artillerie Regiment 369 (Kroat.). Machine cancel Dubrovnik, stamp was used although feldpost was free of charge. Censored by Croatian military post ,cancel - G.S.B.P.-Pregledano and by German OKW censors, marked by machine cancel. This is the earliest use of GSBP cancel i have seen.
Saturday, 19 August 2023
08.1942. Kroat.Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 369. to Zagreb
09.08.1942 feldpost from Fp.41700 C - 2.komp.Kroat.Infanterie Ersatz-Bataillon 369. to Zagreb, Croatia. Text is in Croatian, usual soldiers greetings to a lady friend. Wehrmacht censorship marking applied both to cover and content page. Feldpost date cancel with markings 'at' applied in Stockerau Lager in the Reich, today in Austria.
Saturday, 12 August 2023
9.1917 Scheinwerfer komp. No.36 to Varaždin
30.09.1917 Kuk Feldpost card from Schinewerfer kompagnie No.36 of the K.u.K 36.infantry division to Waraždin, text is Croatian. Mailed via Fp.634 used by 36.inf.div. that was mostly Croatian during the whole war. At this time unit was on the Russian(Galician) front. This the first card i have seen from an Scheinwerfer(Searchlight) unit among all Croatian units in the K.u.K army
Saturday, 22 July 2023
9.1944 5.lovačka pukovnija in Vrpolje to Zlatar
31.09.1944 letter to Zlatar, sender is Zastavnik (ensign) Ivan Iloić commander of 14. protuoklopna sat (14.anti-tank company) of 5.lovačka pukovnija (5.jager regiment). Text is very interesting , writer notes regular night clashes with partisans , his soldiers firing cannons and mortars at the Bolshevik partisans. He writes that he was present in Vinkovci on the 17.08.1944 during big air raid while airplanes were firing rockets at the place. Finally he mentiones one friendly fire incident when germans openned fire on his position and he returned fire on them thinking partisans were attacking him. He writes , that had only one injured domobran while germans suffered dead and wounded soldiers, and that the firefight lasted for a while until both sides realised they were attacking their allies.
Very interesting is part describing usual day in the battlefield, he states the all man are drinking heavily that he regurarly drinks 6 dl of Pelinkovac, 2 dl of Rum and 1-2 L of Špricer(1/2 wine and 1/2 soda water).. then he feels fine, but not drunk and is not scarred of bullets buzzing around.. This is rare text where soldier admits how they were coping with extreme mental stress of the war.
Official cancel is on the cover and on the letter with old name of the 5th. regiment, 5.pješačka pukovnija (infantry regiment). 5. Infantry regiment in june 1943 became 5.jager regiment and was included in 3.lovački zdrug(3.jager brigade)
3.jager brigade was in training in Reich , Döllersheim with Kroatische Ausbildungs brigade from 02.06-14.07.1944 , when it returned to Croatia it was stationd in area Đakovo-Vrpolje-Vinkovci and was tasked with protecting the harvest, this letter is from that time.
Sunday, 16 July 2023
4.1944 - 2.SS Panzer Korps to Osijek, Croatia
23.04.1944 feldpost cover from Fp.12200 - Stab und Einheit 2.SS panzer Korps to Essegg(Osijek) in Croatia. 2.SS panzer Korps was deployed in France from December 1943 and moved back to the Eastern front in April 1944.
Saturday, 8 July 2023
12.1915. Kuk Garnisonsspital No.23 in Zagreb to Bjelovar