Bojna pošta hrvatskih vojnika u prvom i drugom svjetskom ratu je gotovo posve neobrađena tema.Nažalost i danas je na marginama filatelističkih zbivanja. U blogu ću objaviti svoje tekstove i popise bojnih pošta iz oba rata. Slobodno možete koristiti materijale i slike sa bloga, ali ako ih objavite navedite izvor-ovaj blog. ENG: This blog is about fieldpost of Croatian soldiers in WWI and WWII.Feel free to use data and pics from this site, but if you publish them name their source,this blog
Saturday, 28 December 2024
7.1916 KuK card from 96.Inf.Rgt. to Breznički Hum, Croatia
Saturday, 21 December 2024
10.1941 - Zagreb to 2. Zračna luka, Auto odred, Rajlovac
09.10.1941 letter from Zagreb to a member of 2. Zračna luka , Auto odred, Rajlovac (2. Air field, Motorised detachment, Rajlovac(near Sarajevo). Rajlovac was the most important airfield of Croatian air force in the whole country , it was used to attack communist and serbian insurgents in Bosnia. Airfield was almost exclusively used by Croatian air force , Luftwaffe used Butmir airfield near Sarajevo. Text is interesting sender writes that he is also going to serve in Air force, as a pilot.
Saturday, 14 December 2024
02.1944 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien to Zagreb.
03.02.1944 Fp.56160 E/F to Zagreb , Croatia. Text in Croatian, SS censorship.
Norbert Kannapin in Die Deutsche Feldpost 1939-1945, list for Fp.56160 following:
56160 (Unknown-Unknown) Stab u. 1.-3. u. 6. Panzer- Kompanie Polizei-Ausbildungs-Bataillon I (Esseg)
56160 (27.9.1943-7.5.1944) 2.11.1943 Stab u. Einheit Polizei-Ausbildungs-Bataillon I (Essgeg)
I assumed that letters after the number meant A - Stab, B-1.komp. C-2.komp. D-3.komp. E- 6. Panzer- Kompanie, here we have F. I have another letter from same sender mailed and marked Fp.56160 F, and in both letters sender writes his adress Gesch(utz) Bat(terie).
German-Croatian Police had units 2 artillery units, first one with unknown Fp.number
Fp.??? 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien.
Fp.58954 (8.9.1943) 2. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien.
This letter proves that 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien used Fp.56160 E/F
Sunday, 8 December 2024
07.12.2024 70.BARPER auction, KuK card from Constantinopole to 53.IR in Zagreb
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Saturday, 30 November 2024
10.1944 - Ersatz Bataillon 373 (Kroat.) To Reich
24.10.1944 cover of a letter sent from Fp.39915 B to Leipzig in Reich. Fp.39915 B was used by 1.Kompanie Ersatz Bataillon 373 (Kroat.) of 373.Croatian "Tigar" division. Feldersatz Batallion 373. was stationed in Stockerau and trained Croatian replacements for division. On this letter postal cancel with date has mark 'at' meaning it was used in Stockerau, letter was most likely mailed by one of Wehrmacht instructors with Ersatz batallion.
Saturday, 23 November 2024
4.1942 Varaždin to Petrinjska Doknadna Bojna in Bosanski Novi
18.04.1942 parcel card for packet mailed from Varaždin to a member of 2.SAT PETRINJSKA DOKNADNA BOJNA(2nd. Company Petrinja replacement battalion) stationed in Bosanski Novi. Parcel content was "jestvine"- food. Old Yugoslav parcel card was used printed with mixed cyrillic and latin letters and Royal Yugoslav amblem at the top right. This is late usage of such a card. At the back franked with 2 and 5 kuna stamps, Mi.78 and Mi.79 that were sold from 09.04.1942 to 18.04.1942. Also at the back is round puprple cancel 2.sat Petrinjska doknadna bojna and arrival cancel BOS.NOVI 20.04.1942.
Petrinjska doknadna bojna was formed in 7-8.1941 from 2.bojna 11.pješačke pukovnije(2.battalion,11. Infantry regiment). Doknadne bojne were inefficient and in 3-4.1942 were reorganised, Petrinjska doknadna bojna was transformed into Osnutak doknadne bojne 11.pješačke pukovnije.
Saturday, 16 November 2024
9.1915 - K.u.K Seeflugstation Puntisella to Zagreb
06.09.1915 K.u.K Marinefeldpost , postcard mailed from KuK Seeflugstation Puntisella (Naval aviation station Puntisella) to Zagreb, Croatia. Text is in Croatian. Puntisella or nowdays Puntižela is small place on the outskirts of Pula(Pola), KuK navy operated there one of their Seaplane stations on the Adriatic. Marinefeldpostamt Pola cancel is in black , red cancel reads K.u.K Seeflugstation Puntisella.
Monday, 11 November 2024
12.1943- Beška to 13.SS.Div.Handschar(kroat.no1.) - 30 000 visits of blog.
Saturday, 2 November 2024
10.1943 letter to Domobranska središnja škola in Varaždin
Sunday, 27 October 2024
11.1915 KuK feldpost from 53.IR Dankl to Novi Slankamen in Sriem, Croatia
02.11.1915(?) K.u.K feldpost card dated in text mailed from of 16.Replacement battalion(I./XVI.Marsch. komp) of 53.Infantry regiment. 53.IR recruited in Croatia mostly in area around Zagreb, but this One Year volunteer was from Novi Slankamen. As noted in adress city is located in "Kroatien,Sriem, Slavonien", at the time it was mostly populated by Croats. Mailed via Fp.44 used by 36.Infantry division at the time figthing in Galicia. Text is in Croatian.
Present are cancels : CENSURIERT - censored, Weiterleiten - forward( to be mailed), K.u.k I.R Dankl No.53 / I./XVI.Marsch. komp : a units cancel , and hungarian- german canel: A hadrakelt seregrol / Von der Armee im Feld : from the army in the battlefield ( used to not reveil units location).
Sunday, 13 October 2024
2.1944 Sanitats-Kompanie 392 (Kroatien) to Retfala(Osijek).
13.02.1944 card sent to Retfala (today part of Osijek) from Fp.31185 used by Sanitats-Kompanie 392 (Kroatien) of 392. Croatian (Blue) division. Card has no visible postal manipulation with only green censors markings present.
Its possible that card traveled through postal system without any markings but its more likely that card was part of a letter as german censors always marked every paper sheet in letter with such green censors numbers, hence postal cancels applied on the cover of the letter are not present.
Sunday, 6 October 2024
6.1943 Parcel card to Command of Railway protection force "LIKA"
During the second half of 1942 , Command of Railway protection force "LIKA" was formed with 3 Railway protection battalions , I. , II. and III. ŽESTRA bojna (Željezničarska Stražarska Bojna). It was part of Domobranstvo(Regular army).
Commands HQ was in Ogulin.
I.ŽESTRA bojna was in Brušani near Gospić, with 3 rifle companies and one Machinegun company - around 900 men
II.ŽESTRA bojna was in Oštarije near Ogulin with 3 rifle companies and one Machinegun company - around 800 men
III.ŽESTRA bojna had HQ in Lešće near Otočac with 3 rifle companies and one Machinegun company - around 600 men
Saturday, 28 September 2024
20.10.1918 - K.u.K IR.78 to Zagreb
20.10.1918 card from the 78.Infanterie regiment Gerba mailed via Fp.634 used by 36.Inf.division.Very late mailing date at the end of the Great War.
Regiment was Croatian unit in common K.u.K army. Recruting area was Slavonia. During entire war it was part of 36.Inf.Division, from 2.1918 it fought on the Italian battlefield.
Rare charity feldpostkarte from regiment was mailed to Zagreb, text in Croatian is very interesting: " it is hard to die now after we stayed alive up to now in all this suffering. Here a spanish sickness(flue) is everywhere, oddly im still untouched by it".
Saturday, 21 September 2024
12.1943 - EXTREMELY RARE letter from German-Croatian Police (Deutsch-Kroatische Polizei)
10.12.1943 letter in very bad condition sent from Fp.56901 Gendarmerie Bezirksfuhrer Zlatar via Fp.58639 B - Kommandeur der Gendarmerie Agram (Dienststelle cancel) to Biškupec, then a village near Varaždin. SS censorship. Gendarmerie Bezirksfuhrer Zlatar was local, "district gendarmerie station" in small city of Zlatar.
I thought this was a uniqe cover, but I was told by mr.Pervan that late mr.Dietz had a couple of letters from Bezirksfuhrer in his collection.
Saturday, 14 September 2024
NDH Feldpost forgeries
On September 10/11 an USA auction house sold "The Alfred F. Kugel Collection". There were some nice Croatian feldpost items in one big lot. In that lot the above pictured cards were sold. They look lovely, really great Feldopost cards. As usual, if it is to good to be true, it's not true.
These cards are fake ! Forgeries made to deceive collectors!
About cards:
1. Green Croatian Feldpostcards are original.
2.the round censor cancels are original, i have seen them applied on cards and letters in blue and purple colour but this is first time in black, probably they are in private hands.
3. Square cancel GSBP with smudged letters, on the left side of cards is fake.
4. Square cancel GSBP with clear letters, on the right side of cards is fake
5. Zagreb 1/60 cancel was seen on fake covers before, it is in private hands.
6. The Military stamps on covers have not been seen on original covers yet.(there is still hope we will see original covers with these stamps, but after 80 years it is really a tiny hope). The stamp with croatian amblem was to be used on parcels and not on cards and letters. The other stamp with Neretva river is a forgery itself.
7. Really interesting is Feldpost adress of reciever Fp.58207E - 4. Kompanie Genesenden Abteilung Kroat. Ausbildungs Brigade. On the 04.04.1945 (the date in the cancels!!) Kroat.Ausb.Brigade recieved orders to leave Stockerau , only 540 men sick with typhoid remainded there in Genesenden Abteilung (reconvalescent unit). These information was known to forgerer so he used Fp.58207 and not any other as other units were moving out of Stockerau. The last days of Kroat. Ausbildungs Brigade are described in Franz Schraml book: Kriegsschauplatz Kroatien. I'm sure forgerer had read it. Croatian translation of the book was published in 1993.
The German text of Franz Schraml : Kriegsschauplatz Kroatien is available here
Sunday, 8 September 2024
K.u.K Marinefeldpost 11.1917 -S.M.S Prinz Eugen to Rajevoselo , Slavonia
07.11.1917 letter to Rajevoselo in Slavonia from SMS Prinz Eugen. Mailed via Marinefeldpostamt Pola, cancel in the upper right corner. In the middle is purple censor cancel from SMS Prinz Eugen. This is a variant of cancel used during early to mid 1917 , this variant was used only in November 1917 (according to Kohl/Kalis:"Die Feldpost der k. u. k. Kriegsmarine im 1. Weltkrieg 1914/18) For earlier variant see:
Saturday, 31 August 2024
1.1943 - 106.Infanterie-Division of Wehrmacht to Osijek, Croatia.
15.01.1943 Feldpost letter from Fp.05130 D to Osijek Croatia. Fp.05130D was used by 3. Kompanie, I.Bataillon, Grenadier Regiment 239 of 106.Infanterie-Division. 106.Infantry division was withdrawn from the Eastern front in May 1942 and relocated to France for replenishment in the St. Omer, Calais, Boulogne-sur-Mer area, on the La Manche coast . In February 1943, it returned to the Eastern Front in the Kharkov area.
This letter was mailed by Croatian Volksdeutsche soldier to home in Osijek, Croatia, just before transfer from France back to Russian front. Text is in German. Regular german censorship marks are both on the cover and the letter sheet, also on both pieces are present blue marks of chemical censorship. Arrival cancel Osijek 26.01. is on the backside.
Sunday, 18 August 2024
17.08.2024 marked 5 years since I started this blog, for this occasion one special text follows.
On the 09.07.1941 Hrvatski pomorski odjel(Croatian naval legion) was formed with Andro Vrkljan as its commander to serve under Kriegsmarine on the Black sea. Note about units name: offical German name was Kroatische marine abteilung, several Croatian names were used officially: Hrvatski pomorski odjel(aministration,cancels) Hrvatska pomorska legija(on the units badge) and Hrvatski Pomorski sklop na Crnom moru(adminstration). In the beginning all the personel were Croats from former Royal Yugoslav Navy. Members were transfered from Croatia to Varna(Bulgarian port on the Black sea)in several goups from several places:
1. group on 17.07.1941 with 120 men(from Zagreb).
2. group in 08.1941 with 88 men(from Zagreb?).
3. group on 27.09.1941 with 52 men(from Sisak).
4. group in 1.1942 with 82 men(from Zemun).
Legion served on Black and Azov sea until in returned to Croatia on 21.05.1944, officially it was disbanded on 23.05.1944. Units total strength was around 340 men, it was assigned Fp.number 23713 . Not a single member of the Croatian Naval Legion ever switched sides and deserted to Soviets.
Due to units small size feldpost from legion is very rare. Below follows a small collection of letters sent from one of its members, Obermachinen maat (Machinist's Mates) Šemsudin Ruždijić to a lady friend in Zagreb. His path from Yugoslav Royal navy to Legion is typical for all members.
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