Bojna pošta hrvatskih vojnika u prvom i drugom svjetskom ratu je gotovo posve neobrađena tema.Nažalost i danas je na marginama filatelističkih zbivanja. U blogu ću objaviti svoje tekstove i popise bojnih pošta iz oba rata. Slobodno možete koristiti materijale i slike sa bloga, ali ako ih objavite navedite izvor-ovaj blog. ENG: This blog is about fieldpost of Croatian soldiers in WWI and WWII.Feel free to use data and pics from this site, but if you publish them name their source,this blog
Saturday, 30 March 2024
2.1944. Waffen SS to Zemun Croatia
25.02.1944 Fp.59922 to Zemun Croatia (Semlin,Kroatien). Fp.59922 was used by Sammellager II der Waffen-SS Kroatien, later by SS-Sammellager Agram(Zagreb) and Esseg(Osijek). This letter is from SS-Sammellager Agram(Zagreb). Text is in German , sender was Croatian Volksdeutsche, and probably member of SS division Prinz Eugen(see text). Feldpost and units cancel with Fp.59922 are present as well sa SS censor cancel AS in green
Friday, 22 March 2024
About blog - 20 000 visits and 2 interesting NDH covers
This blog started on 17.08.2019, 3 years later on 24.08.2022 the blog reached 10.000 visits.
Today 21.03.2024 we reached 20.000 visits. Thanks to everyone who has visited this blog.
I'm posting today two interesting items, though not a feldpost.
26.06.1942 card from Sarajevo to Bystricem pod Hostynem , Protektorat Morava, today Czech republic. Wehrmacht censorship.
Intersting is rare purple cancel in Croatian: "Čuvajte se pjegavca - Čistoća čuva život" or "Beware of typhus - Cleanness(hygiene) saves life"
01.04.1942 letter from Zagreb to Belgrade, Serbia. During WWII there was no postal service beetween Croatia and Serbia, written contact with people on the other side was possible through the International Red Cross. This letter has red cancel "Croatian Red Cross, main office Zagreb", at the back is the Wehrmacht censorship tape. There are contents in the cover but censor (green)numbers on the cover and paper are not the same, therefore the contents are not from this letter.
Saturday, 16 March 2024
2.1944 Panzerarmee Nachrichten Regiment 2 to Ogulin, Croatia.
19.02.1944 letter from Fp.38558 or 8.Kompanie Panzer Armee Nachrichten Regiment 2 to Ogulin Croatia. Panzerarmee-Nachrichten-Regiment 2 served with 2. Panzer-armee in Croatia during its stay 8.1943-2.12.1944. This letter was mailed via Fp.59819 - Feldkommandantur 1036 , see purple cancel at the front. Feldkommandantur 1036 was under the command of German Plenipotentiary General in NDH and this feldkommandatur was stationed in Karlovac and had additional Platz-Kommandanturs in Sisak and Bihać. Letter has contents written in German.
Saturday, 9 March 2024
6.1943 - II.gorski zdrug in Konjic to Ivankovo, Slavonia
28.06.1943 card from 2.sat, I.bojna, II.gorski zdrug (, 1.battalion, 2.mountain brigade)in Konjic, in north Herzegovina to Ivankovo near Vinkovci in Slavonia, Croatia. Text is in Croatian a lieutenant writes to his mother a midwife(primalja) in Ivankovo. Message is interesting, he thanks for a suitecase he recived, notes that a soap is missing as a soldier that carried it was 'visited' by partisans who took it. He states that it is good(luck) that this soldier made it back to the unit.
On the 07.06.1943 restructuring of Mountain brigades was started under German supervision, the units in this cards adress are named under old organisation.
Saturday, 2 March 2024
3.1915 K.u.K Marinefeldpost, SMS Helgoland to Samobor
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01.03.1915 K.u.K Marinefeldpost card from SMS Helgoland to Samobor, Croatia. Photograph was used as a card, text is in Croatian. Sender notes that photo isn't good because light was low in "verstatte"(local usage of german:werkstatt, in english-workshop). Ships postal cancel Helgoland and ships censors cancel Zensuriert present. This censor cancel was used only in 2-3.1915. Helgoland was a cruiser with crew of 340 men.