Saturday, 30 November 2024

10.1944 - Ersatz Bataillon 373 (Kroat.) To Reich

 24.10.1944 cover of a letter sent from Fp.39915 B to Leipzig in Reich. Fp.39915 B was used by  1.Kompanie Ersatz Bataillon 373 (Kroat.) of 373.Croatian "Tigar" division. Feldersatz Batallion 373. was stationed in Stockerau  and trained Croatian replacements for division. On this letter postal cancel with date has mark 'at' meaning it was used in Stockerau, letter was most likely mailed by one of Wehrmacht instructors with Ersatz batallion.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

4.1942 Varaždin to Petrinjska Doknadna Bojna in Bosanski Novi

18.04.1942 parcel card for packet mailed from Varaždin to a member of 2.SAT PETRINJSKA DOKNADNA BOJNA(2nd. Company Petrinja replacement battalion) stationed in Bosanski Novi. Parcel content was "jestvine"- food. Old Yugoslav parcel card was used printed with mixed cyrillic and latin letters and Royal Yugoslav amblem at the top right. This is late usage of such a card. At the back franked with 2 and 5 kuna stamps, Mi.78 and Mi.79 that were sold from 09.04.1942 to 18.04.1942.  Also at the back is round puprple cancel 2.sat Petrinjska doknadna bojna and arrival cancel BOS.NOVI 20.04.1942.

Petrinjska doknadna bojna was formed in 7-8.1941 from 2.bojna 11.pješačke pukovnije(2.battalion,11. Infantry regiment). Doknadne bojne were inefficient and in 3-4.1942 were reorganised, Petrinjska doknadna bojna was transformed into Osnutak doknadne bojne 11.pješačke pukovnije.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

9.1915 - K.u.K Seeflugstation Puntisella to Zagreb

 06.09.1915 K.u.K Marinefeldpost , postcard mailed from KuK Seeflugstation Puntisella (Naval aviation station Puntisella) to Zagreb, Croatia. Text is in Croatian. Puntisella or nowdays Puntižela is small place on the outskirts of Pula(Pola), KuK navy operated there one of their Seaplane stations on the Adriatic. Marinefeldpostamt Pola cancel is in black , red cancel reads K.u.K Seeflugstation Puntisella.  

Monday, 11 November 2024

12.1943- Beška to 13.SS.Div.Handschar(kroat.no1.) - 30 000 visits of blog.

NEWS ABOUT BLOG : yesterday this blog reached 30 000 visits. I will continue posting, you continue visiting.

17.08.2019 - blog started, 0 visits
24.08.2022 - 10.000 visits. 
21.03.2024 - 20.000 visits.
10.11.2024 - 30.000 visits


23.12.1943 letter from Beška in Srijem , Croatia to Heinrich Ewinger a  Hauptscharführer in 13.SS division Handschar(kroat no.1) Then the Division was in training in Neuhammer in Reich. Fp. 56156 D was used by 3.Batallion SS Freiwilligen Jager-Regiment 2 ,Division 13 (later rebranded to 28.Gebirgsjager-Regiment). SS censorhip marked with tape and green cancel.

I have seen a few letters mailed to and from this Croatian Volksdeutsche H.Ewinger while he was a member of Einsatzstaffel der Deutschen Mannschaft(ESDM) and later in Waffen SS. One document from 30.03.1943 made by leader of Deustche Volksgruppe in Kroatien, lists 40 officers from ESDM that are to be transfered to Waffen SS. H.Ewinger is listed under number 8. Rank - Fahnrich , born 16.03.1913, Serving as Zugfhr.Ver.Btl  (Verfügungsbataillon ESDM "Prinz Eugen" ,  active batalion of ESDM).

Saturday, 2 November 2024

10.1943 letter to Domobranska središnja škola in Varaždin


01.10.1943 letter from Zagreb to a member of 1.bitnica topničkog sklopa,  Domobranska središnja škola ( D.S.Š) or 1.section of artillery battery of  Central Army School in Varaždin. School trained reserve army officers. Machine cancelled in Zagreb , arrival cancel Varaždin at the back.   Censor cancel CENZURA Br. 26 (Varaždin censor office) is applied on the cover and unusually on the contents of a letter, such marking was usual in German censor service but is very rare with Croatian censors. In 1943 Central Army school had two infantry battalions and one artillery battery a total of 760 men with 6 guns.