Saturday, 28 December 2024

7.1916 KuK card from 96.Inf.Rgt. to Breznički Hum, Croatia


07.07.1916 K.u.K feldpost card from IV.battalion of  96.Infantry Regiment mailed via Fp.92. Fp.92 was used by 15.Infantry division then fighting in Galicia (Russian front). 96. IR was mainly manned by Croats from wider Karlovac area. This card was mailed to Zagorska sela then re-routed to Breznički Hum near Novi Marof in Varaždin area. Arrival cancel is at the back. No visible sign of censorship in the unit, but card was censored in Varaždin and marked by purple cancel. Text is in Croatian. This is the first card i have seen from 96.IR that was mailed from 15.inf.div via Fp.92.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

10.1941 - Zagreb to 2. Zračna luka, Auto odred, Rajlovac


09.10.1941 letter from Zagreb to a member of 2. Zračna luka , Auto odred, Rajlovac (2. Air field, Motorised detachment, Rajlovac(near Sarajevo). Rajlovac was the most important airfield of Croatian air force in the whole country , it was used to attack communist and serbian insurgents in Bosnia. Airfield was almost exclusively used by Croatian air force , Luftwaffe used Butmir airfield near Sarajevo. Text is interesting sender writes that he is also going to serve in Air force,  as a pilot. 

Saturday, 14 December 2024

02.1944 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien to Zagreb.


03.02.1944 Fp.56160 E/F to Zagreb , Croatia. Text in Croatian, SS censorship.

Norbert Kannapin in Die Deutsche Feldpost 1939-1945, list for  Fp.56160 following:

56160 (Unknown-Unknown) Stab u. 1.-3. u. 6. Panzer- Kompanie Polizei-Ausbildungs-Bataillon I (Esseg)

56160 (27.9.1943-7.5.1944) 2.11.1943 Stab u. Einheit Polizei-Ausbildungs-Bataillon I (Essgeg)

I assumed that letters after the number meant A - Stab, B-1.komp. C-2.komp. D-3.komp.  E- 6. Panzer- Kompanie, here we have F.  I have another letter from same sender mailed and marked Fp.56160 F, and in both letters sender writes his adress Gesch(utz) Bat(terie). 

German-Croatian Police had units  2 artillery units, first one with unknown Fp.number

Fp.??? 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien.

Fp.58954 (8.9.1943) 2. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien.

This letter proves that 1. Polizei-Geschütz-Batterie Kroatien used Fp.56160 E/F

Sunday, 8 December 2024

07.12.2024 70.BARPER auction, KuK card from Constantinopole to 53.IR in Zagreb

On the 7.12.2024 yearly philatelic auction of BARPER auctionhouse was held in Zagreb. As usual there were some great items offered, including very strong WW2 Croatian feldpost section.


New stamp catalogue of Croatian stamps from WW2 (NDH) was presented. Its a great book with many new varieties and errors recorded. Catalogue is bilingual  in Croatian and English. 
You can order it from publisher

Catalogue front page

Inside of catalogue

I acquired some lovely items , below is KUK card fresh from auction.

1914 or 1915 postcard mailed from Pera, Constantinopole(Istanbul) in Ottoman empire. Mailed from a member of a KuK consulate to a member of K.u.K 53.Infantry Regiment stationed in Rudolf barracks in Zagreb, Croatia. 53.Inf.Rgt was KuK common army regiment that recruited mostly in and around Zagreb area, it was almost a pure Croatian unit.
Postcard was mailed via Ottoman post with ottoman stamp and cancels, also present is red censor cancel of censor office in Wien(Vienna) Austria.