Saturday, 8 March 2025

2.1917 - K.u.K 72. Infanterie Brigade to Zagreb, Croatia.

20.02.1917 KuK feldpost card mailed from 72. Infanterie Brigade via Fp.634 to Zagreb. Fp.634 replaced Fp.44 on 06.02.1917 as feldpost of 36.Infantry division. 72.Inf.Brigade was part of 36.Inf.division during the whole war. While division was mostly Croatian, Brigade  made up of Croatian  53.Inf.Regiment(Zagreb) and 16.Inf.Regiment (Varaždin) and was almost purely Croatian unit. In 02.1917 division was on the Russian front in Galicia. Card has purple 72. Inf.Brigade cancel and  Fp.634 cancel but has no visible censorship. Text is short greeting in Croatian language.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

1.1943 letter to Zagreb from 369.kroat.inf.div. mailed via 7.SS Prinz Eugen division


21.01.1943 letter mailed to Zagreb via Fp.47444 - 2. Sanitats Kompanie SS Freiwilligen Gebirgs Division Prinz Eugen (7.SS). Sender writes his Fp.number as Fp.13549 E used by 12.Kompanie Grenadier-Regiment 369 of 369.(kroatische) Infanterie Division.

Text in Croatian is very interesting. Soldier writes  "thanks to the Lord i didn't go to Russia, but Im in village Letovanić 50 km from Zagreb.. here we are training and going to the forests to hunt  Partisans , we caught just a few of them... I command a mortar crew of 6 men...". 

This letter is from the beginning of operation White - fall Weiß 1, both 369.kroat.inf.div and 7.SS division were stationed in and near Banovina area at the start of operation, hence this soldier from 369.inf.div used nearby 7.SS divisions feldpost to send mail.