Croatian Training Brigade - Kroatische Ausbildungs Brigade
(author:Kresimir Music)
From the beginning of formation of Domobranstvo (regular army) in 1941, replacement units where formed to train soldiers and replace casualties .
When the 369. reinforced infantry regiment was formed the influx of volunteers was such that replacement unit was formed instantly in city of Varaždin - Doknadna bojna Hrvatske legije (Replacement battalion of Croatian Legion). This unit was used to form Lakoplevozni zdrug Hrvatske legije , a Croatian unit that fought on eastern front with Italian army. After the unit went to complete training in Riva del Garda , Italy another unit of same name was formed in Varaždin. This unit saw fighting in Pounje region(western Bosnia) in October 1941. Latter a part of unit was sent to Russia to fill 369 rgt. and a part of unit was attached to 1.infantry regiment of Domobranstvo , under honorary name "III.pohodna bojna Hrvatske legije".
Doknadna bojna continued to exist in Varaždin until 04.07.1942 when it moved to city of Križevci and changed its name to "Osnutak doknadne bojne Hrvatske legije 369 i 370 pukovnije"
On 03.12.1941 in city of Bjelovar another replacment unit was formed called "II doknadna bojna hrvatske 369 pješačke pukovnije" (II.Ersatzbatallion nr. 369.) In the end of same month it was moved to Stockerau camp in Austria and used for filling up 369. reinforced infantry regiment.
In September 1941 in Zagreb another replacement battalion was formed from Millitary academy cadets and cadets of petty officer school. It was formed under name "II doknadna bojna i doknadna bitnica hrvatske legije" and soon renamed to Doknadna bojna 369 pojačane hrvatske pješačke pukovnije" , official German name was "Ersatzbataillion des (verstarkten) kroatische infanterie regimente Nr 369". Unit moved do Dollersheim on 05.10.1941 , where it stayed until 28.11.1941 when it moved to Stockerau camp. This unit evolved in winter 1942/43 to become "Kroatische Ersatz Regiment 369 - 369.Croatian replacement regiment " , which in turn become in 20.04.1943 "Croatian Training Brigade - Kroatischen Ausbildungs Brigade".
Its intriguing that many replacement units had similar names , this was done intentionally to confuse Italian military . Italians tried to reduce German military influence in Croatia and tried to prevent military training of Croats in Germany and to have them trained in Italy.
Croatian Training Brigade command was in Stockerau but training was done in many military camps in Austria:Stockerau , Döllersheim, Zwettl, Krems ,Neusiedl am See , Bruck an der Leitha and others.
Besides troops od 369.regiment and three Croatian Wehrmacht divisions (369. 373. and 392.div) ,some authors estimate that another 100 000 Croatian (Domobran) troops trained in those camps during the war. These numbers make letters from those units the most common feldpost letters we see , especially feldpost from Croatian Training Brigade.
Letters from Domobran units carry marks - cancels of their units , some carry feldpost cancels and some have civilian postal cancels . In my opinion the most common letters from Domobran units are from 7.gorski zdrug ( mountain brigade) with "Bruck an der Leitha"civilian postal cancel.
Members of Wehrmacht where also involved in training of Croatian troops in Croatia. These German troops formed units attached to Dombran brigades(zdrug) and latter to Croatian divisions , these units have German feldpost numbers and traveled postal items are known.
Feldpost numbers of 369.replacement batallion Kroat.Infanterie Ersatz-Bataillon 369.
From formation in 1941– to winter 1942/43
Einheit - Feldpostnummer
Einheit - Feldpostnummer
From the spring or summer od 1942 , postal cancels with Feldpost number 41700 A to X are in use , almost all letters from A-X have been seen on letters.
After the "Croatian Training Brigade - Kroatischen Ausbildungs Brigade". from 7.1943 new feldpost numbers are in use , they are listed below
20.4.1943 u Stockerau, Werhkkreis XVII, formation of "Croatian Training Brigade - Kroatischen Ausbildungs Brigade". Organisation of Brigade at that time :
I. Bataillon 1-4 komp,
Artillerie-Ausbildungs-Abteilung (Stockerau )
Ersatz-Regiment in Stockerau : Ersatz-Bataillon 369, 373, Ersatz-Kompanie 392 and Kroat. Ersatz-
For mailing official mail field-post 530 in Zagreb was used ( Feldpostamt 530- Kenn 176)
When the 369. reinforced infantry regiment was formed the influx of volunteers was such that replacement unit was formed instantly in city of Varaždin - Doknadna bojna Hrvatske legije (Replacement battalion of Croatian Legion). This unit was used to form Lakoplevozni zdrug Hrvatske legije , a Croatian unit that fought on eastern front with Italian army. After the unit went to complete training in Riva del Garda , Italy another unit of same name was formed in Varaždin. This unit saw fighting in Pounje region(western Bosnia) in October 1941. Latter a part of unit was sent to Russia to fill 369 rgt. and a part of unit was attached to 1.infantry regiment of Domobranstvo , under honorary name "III.pohodna bojna Hrvatske legije".
Doknadna bojna continued to exist in Varaždin until 04.07.1942 when it moved to city of Križevci and changed its name to "Osnutak doknadne bojne Hrvatske legije 369 i 370 pukovnije"
On 03.12.1941 in city of Bjelovar another replacment unit was formed called "II doknadna bojna hrvatske 369 pješačke pukovnije" (II.Ersatzbatallion nr. 369.) In the end of same month it was moved to Stockerau camp in Austria and used for filling up 369. reinforced infantry regiment.
In September 1941 in Zagreb another replacement battalion was formed from Millitary academy cadets and cadets of petty officer school. It was formed under name "II doknadna bojna i doknadna bitnica hrvatske legije" and soon renamed to Doknadna bojna 369 pojačane hrvatske pješačke pukovnije" , official German name was "Ersatzbataillion des (verstarkten) kroatische infanterie regimente Nr 369". Unit moved do Dollersheim on 05.10.1941 , where it stayed until 28.11.1941 when it moved to Stockerau camp. This unit evolved in winter 1942/43 to become "Kroatische Ersatz Regiment 369 - 369.Croatian replacement regiment " , which in turn become in 20.04.1943 "Croatian Training Brigade - Kroatischen Ausbildungs Brigade".
Its intriguing that many replacement units had similar names , this was done intentionally to confuse Italian military . Italians tried to reduce German military influence in Croatia and tried to prevent military training of Croats in Germany and to have them trained in Italy.
Croatian Training Brigade command was in Stockerau but training was done in many military camps in Austria:Stockerau , Döllersheim, Zwettl, Krems ,Neusiedl am See , Bruck an der Leitha and others.
Besides troops od 369.regiment and three Croatian Wehrmacht divisions (369. 373. and 392.div) ,some authors estimate that another 100 000 Croatian (Domobran) troops trained in those camps during the war. These numbers make letters from those units the most common feldpost letters we see , especially feldpost from Croatian Training Brigade.
Letters from Domobran units carry marks - cancels of their units , some carry feldpost cancels and some have civilian postal cancels . In my opinion the most common letters from Domobran units are from 7.gorski zdrug ( mountain brigade) with "Bruck an der Leitha"civilian postal cancel.
Members of Wehrmacht where also involved in training of Croatian troops in Croatia. These German troops formed units attached to Dombran brigades(zdrug) and latter to Croatian divisions , these units have German feldpost numbers and traveled postal items are known.
Feldpost numbers of 369.replacement batallion Kroat.Infanterie Ersatz-Bataillon 369.
From formation in 1941– to winter 1942/43
Einheit - Feldpostnummer
Stab - 41700 A
1. Kompanie - 41700 B
2. Kompanie - 41700 C
3. Kompanie - 41700 D
4. Kompanie - 41700 E
5. Batterie - 41700 F
Nachrichten-Ersatz-Kompanie od ljeta 1942 - 41700 G
Feldpost numbers of 369.replacement regiment Kroat.Infanterie Ersatz-Regiment 369.
from winter 1942/43 until 6.1943
from winter 1942/43 until 6.1943
Einheit - Feldpostnummer
Stab 41700
Stab I. Bataillon 41700 A
1. Kompanie 41700 B
2. Kompanie 41700 C
3. Kompanie 41700 D
4. Kompanie 41700 E
5. Kompanie 41700 F
6. le. Batterie 41700 G
Stab II. Bataillon 41700 H
7. Kompanie 41700 J
8. Kompanie 41700 K
9. Kompanie 41700 L
10. Panzerjäger-Kompanie 41700 M
11. Nachrichten-Kompanie 41700 N
12. le. Batterie 41700 O
Stab III. Bataillon 41700 P
13. Kompanie 41700 Q
14. Kompanie 41700 R
15. Kompanie 41700 S
16. Divisions-Nachrichten-Kompanie 41700 T
17. Pionier-Kompanie 41700 U
18. Stabs-Kompanie 41700 V
1. Genesenden-Kompanie 41700 W
2. Genesenden-Kompanie 41700 X
After the "Croatian Training Brigade - Kroatischen Ausbildungs Brigade". from 7.1943 new feldpost numbers are in use , they are listed below
20.4.1943 u Stockerau, Werhkkreis XVII, formation of "Croatian Training Brigade - Kroatischen Ausbildungs Brigade". Organisation of Brigade at that time :
I. Bataillon 1-4 komp,
II. Bataillon 5-8 komp,
III. Bataillon 9-12 komp ,
IV. Bataillon . 13-16 komp,
17.komp (Offz.Lehr),
18. komp.(Infanterie-Nachrichten),
19.komp.(deutsches Genesenden),
20. i 21.komp. (Radfahr-Ausbildungs)
Artillerie Ausbildungs Abteilung: 1.-2. leichte, 3. schwere, 4. (Fahr), 5. (schwere gemischte).
Gemischte Ausbildungs Abteilung:
1. (Infanterie-Pionier),
2. (Pionier),
3. (Infanterie-Panzerjäger),
6.(Nachschub); 1. Fernsprech(telefonisti), 2. Fu(Funk-radio vezisit).
Genesenden-Abteilung 1.-4. Komp.
1944. Headquarter of brigade is in Stockerau organisation of Brigade then was:
I.-IV. Ausbildungs-Bataillon:
I. and Stockerau, Hollabrunn,
IV. Offz. und Uffz. Schule in Neusiedl am See Hollabrunn,
IV. Offz. und Uffz. Schule in Neusiedl am See
Artillerie-Ausbildungs-Abteilung (Stockerau )
Ersatz-Regiment in Stockerau : Ersatz-Bataillon 369, 373, Ersatz-Kompanie 392 and Kroat. Ersatz-
Bataillon XVII.
Kroatisch-Französisch-Arabische Sonder-Kompanie in Döllersheimu.
Kroatisch-Französisch-Arabische Sonder-Kompanie in Döllersheimu.
Feldpost numbers of Croatian Training Brigade / Kroat. Ausbildungs-Brigade:
41700 Stab kroat. Ausbildungs-Brigade (u žigu oznake šaltera 1,2 i 3)
56478 (12.3.1943) Stab I u. Einheit (Ausbildungs-Bataillon ) Kroatische Ausb-Brigade.
59099 (12.3.1943) Stab II u. Einheit (Ausbildungs-Bataillon ) Kroat. Ausb-Brigade.
57364 (12.3.1943) Stab III u. Einheit (Ausbildungs-Bataillon ) Kroat. Ausb-Brigade.
56925 (12.3.1943) Stab IV u. Einheit (Ausbildungs-Bataillon) Kroatische Ausb-Brigade.
34311 (23.4.1944) Stab Bataillon XVII (Kroat.)
58207 (12.3.1943) Stab I u. 1.-4. Kompanie Genesenden-Abteilung Kroat. Ausbildungs-Brigade.
56756 (12.3.1943) Stab u. Einheit Artillerie-Ausbildungs-Abteilung Kroat. Ausb-Brigade.
59875 (12.3.1943) Stab u. Einheit gemischte Ausbildungs-Abteilung Kroat. Ausb-Brigade.
57630 (12.3.1943) 1.-2.Kompanie gemischte Ausbildungs-Abteilung Kroat.Ausb-Brigade.
30895 (23.4.1944)Sanitäts-Kompanie gemischte Ausbildungs-Abteilung Kroat. Ausbild.-Brigade.
26455 (6.4.1944)Regimentsstab Ersatz-Regiment Kroat. Ausbildungs-Brig.
64807 (23.4.1944-24.11.1944) 11.11.1944 Stab u. 1.-5. Kompanie Ersatz-Bataillon 369 (Kroat.).
33309 (8.9.1943-22.4.1944) 4.12.1943 Kroat., Franz., Arab.-Sonderkompanie.
From the above listed numbers I have never seen letter with numbers : 34311, 30895, 26455 , 64807 i 33309 , these numbers came in use late in war and are probably very rare. Rest of the numbers are common and with number 41700 are the most common Feldpost numbers seen on Croatian feldpost from WW2 .
Feldpost number 41700 was still in use with command of Croatian Training Brigde and can be seen on official letters sent from command, but it cant be seen anymore on mail sent to Croatia. The postal mark looks different , after number 41700 letters A-X are missing , and counter numbers 1,2 and 3 are present. On official letters from command on backside of letters a new strait cancel can be seen: Dienststelle Fp.41700
From the above listed numbers I have never seen letter with numbers : 34311, 30895, 26455 , 64807 i 33309 , these numbers came in use late in war and are probably very rare. Rest of the numbers are common and with number 41700 are the most common Feldpost numbers seen on Croatian feldpost from WW2 .
Feldpost number 41700 was still in use with command of Croatian Training Brigde and can be seen on official letters sent from command, but it cant be seen anymore on mail sent to Croatia. The postal mark looks different , after number 41700 letters A-X are missing , and counter numbers 1,2 and 3 are present. On official letters from command on backside of letters a new strait cancel can be seen: Dienststelle Fp.41700
Feldpost numbers of German units involved in training of Croatian army in Croatia( NDH).
For mailing official mail field-post 530 in Zagreb was used ( Feldpostamt 530- Kenn 176)
11693 (1.8.1943) Deutsches Ausbildungs-Bataillon 1 bei 1. Kroat. Gebirgs-Brigade,
04767 (1.8.1943) Deutsches Ausbildungs-Bataillon 2 bei 2. Kroat. Gebirgs-Brigade,
08868 (1.8.1943) Deutsches Ausbildungs-Bataillon 3 bei 3. Kroat. Gebirgs-Brigade,
05173 (1.8.1943) Deutsches.Ausbildungs-Bataillon 4 bei 4. Kroat. Gebirgs-Brigade,
02873 (28.10.1943) Deutsches Ausbildungs-Bataillon 1 bei 1. Kroat. Jäger-Brigade
09281 (1.8.1943 ) Deutsches Ausbildungs-Bataillon 2 bei 2. Kroat. Jäger-Brigade
07571 (1.8.1943 ) Deutsches Ausbildungs-Bataillon 3 bei 3. Kroat. Jäger-Brigade
04450 (28.10.1943) Deutsches Ausbildungs-Bataillon 4 bei 4. Kroat. Jäger-Brigade
17679 (24.3.1944-6.11.1944) 1.9.1944 Deutscher Ausbildungsstab bei Kroat. Schnelle Brigade.
28285 (10.11.1944-Kriegsende) 21.2.1945 Kroatisch-deutsches Ausbildungskommando 16.
kroatische Ersatz-Division, 21. u. 23. kroatische Infanterie-Ersatz-Brigade u. XXI. USTASA
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