K.u.K Marinefeldpost - Battleships
Crew number listed is approximate , variations exist.
MFP-Pola - Mairinefeldpostamt Pola cancel.
Tegetthoff class (crew - 1097)
SMS Szent Istvan
SMS Prinz Eugen
SMS Tegetthoff
SMS Viribus Unitis
3.1915 card from SMS Viribus Unitis to Otočac,Lika , Croatia.
Bordstempel+MFP Pola.
7.1917 card from SMS Szent Istvan to Zagreb, Croatia .
Dienststempel+MFP Pola.
6.1917 card from Prinz Eugen to Totmegyer(today Palarikovo Slovakia) sent by Marko Grozdić to his mother. Bordstemepel + MFP Pola
6.1918 card from SMS Tegetthoff , to Osijek ,Slavonia ,Croatia.
Zensurstempel+MFP Pola.
1.1917 card from SMS Tegetthoff to Pakrac, Slavonia, Croatia.
Dienststempel+ MFP Pola
2.1915 card from SMS Tegetthoff to Kamenari,Boka Kotorska, Dalmatia ,Croatia. Mailed via Pola1 post office. round Tegetthoff Dienststempel , Zensuriert cancel not listed in Kalis/Kohl.
Radetzky class (crew - 890)
SMS Zrínyi
SMS Radetzky
SMS Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand
Boxed Radetzky Dienststempel+MFP Pola.
7.1918 another version of Boxed Radetzky Dienststempel+MFP Pola.
8.1916 Radetzky Bordstempel+MFP Pola.
12.1914 card from SMS Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand to Blato, Korčula island, Dlamatia.
Bordstempel but without Pola-1 cancel as it was mailed via Marinepost-Sammelstelle
Habsburg class-predreadnoughts (crew -630)
SMS Babenberg
SMS Arpad
SMS Habsburg
3.1917 Bordstempel from SMS Babenberg + MFP Pola
12.1916 card to Zagreb from SMS Arpad , round Dienststempel+ MFP Pola.
10.1914 card to Zagreb from SMS Arpad
Bordstempel but without Pola-1 cancel as it was mailed via Marinepost-Sammelstelle
12.1914 card to Zagreb from SMS Arpad
Bordstempel but without Pola-1 cancel as it was mailed via Marinepost-Sammelstelle

4.1917 card to Pakrac ,Croatia from SMS Habsburg, Zensurstempel+MFP Pola
5.1917 card to Pakrac ,Croatia from SMS Habsburg, Dienststempel+MFP Pola
3.1917 card to Pakrac ,Croatia from SMS Habsburg, Bordstempel+MFP Pola
Monarch class - coast defence battleships (crew-423)
SMS Monarch
SMS Budapest
SMS Wien
11.1916 Bordstempel SMS Budapest + Zensurtempel , without MFP-Pola cancel
blank card with SMS Wien Bordstempel 6.3.1915
12.1916 card to Zagreb from SMS Budapest , Bordstempel without MFP-Pola cancel
11.1916 card to Zagreb from SMS Monarch , Bordstempel and Dienststempel
without MFP-Pola cancel or Fp.267 cancel as Monarch was in Boka Kotorska .
Erzherzog Karl class- predreadnoughts(crew 748)
SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max
SMS Erzherzog Karl
SMS Erzherzog Friedrich
12.1914 card to Ivo Jakulić medical student in Graz from SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max ,in Croatian language . Bordstempel
12.1914 SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max Bordstempel
9.1917 card to Petrovaradin ,Croatia from SMS Erzherzog Karl, Zensurstempel+MFP-Pola
1.1916 SMS Erzherzog Karl , Bordstempel+MFP-Pola
5.1916 card to Ilok ,Croatia from SMS Erzherzog Karl, Bordstempel+MFP-Pola
12.1915 card from SMS Erzherzog Friedrich to Budapest Hungary ,card printed specially for this ship.
Local defence battleships
SMS Mars (crew-578)
SMS Kronprinz Erzhezog Rudolf (crew 447)
SMS Kronprinzessin Erzherzogin Stephanie (from 1910 hulk ,with mine warfare school in Pula)
3.1918 card to Vinkovci ,Croatia from SMS Mars ,
Zensurstempel+MFP-Pola and arrival cancel Vinkovci.
7.1917 card to Petrovaradin ,Croatia from SMS Mars ,
Zensurstempel and oval Dienststempel +MFP-Pola and arrival cancel Petrovaradin
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