Saturday 25 May 2024

10.1917 KuK Seefliegerkorps to Sušak, Croatia

 30.10.1917 K.u.K Marinefeldpost card to Sušak, Hrvatsko primorje(Croatian Littoral). Sušak is today a part of city of  Rijeka(itl.Fiume). Photograph of sender was  mailed as a postcard, text is in Croatian. He is a member of KuK Seeflieger korps or  KuK Naval aviation. Mailed via Marinefeldpostamt Pola, see cancel, also present is red censor cancel: Briefzensur/ des k.u.k Seeflieger korps Pola.  Text below photo is "Ratnoj Mornarici" listopadu 1917. - (War)Navy (ger.Kriegsmarine) October 1917.

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