Saturday 18 May 2024

3.1945 Kampfgruppe Engelbrecht to Reich

 29.03.1945 Feldpost letter from Fp.07571D to Beiersdorf bei Falkenberg(Elster). Late mailing date, text is in german.

Fp.07571 was used by a German unit training Croatian forces in Croatia - (1.8.1943-23.3.1944) Deutsches Ausbildungs-Bataillon 3. bei der 3.kroat.Jäger-Brigade.

From late 1944 or January 1945, these German batallions formed a figthing group 'Kampfgruppe Engelbrecht', and continued using old Fp.numbers. Kampfgruppe fought in Croatia unitil the end of war.

Fp.07571 (7.11.1944-8.5.1945) Stab III u. 9.-12. Kompanie Kampfgruppe Engelbrecht

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